Ed and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary a couple of weeks ago, and I have to say, this past year has been a blast. Maybe it's because we're still newlyweds, but I really think this marriage thing is pretty great. (BTW, when do we stop being "newlyweds?" Because I still feel like we qualify.) We laugh more than any couple I know. We play the "I love you more" game every single day. And we have more lovey-dovey nicknames for each other than any couple out there. Sure, we had a few fights over the course of our first year, but there were no nights in the "dog house"/couch for either of us. Victory!
I feel sorry for every other woman in the world because I somehow landed the best man in the world. Ed is ridiculously great at being a husband. And I'm not just saying he's great at doing the manly things around the house, like mowing, taking out the trash, paying the bills, or doing the dishes (all of which he does without complaining). What I am really talking about is how great of an encourager, friend, and confidant he is. The man was made to love me. God must have knit an extra gene of patience in his being, for which I am very grateful.
In honor of our 1 year anniversary, I made this photo montage. It hits the highlights of our first year as husband and wife. This is my first attempt at making anything like this, so don't be too critical. For some reason the uploaded video has horrible quality, so I apologize. :)
The Need for Nuance: Rethinking Civil Discourse
3 weeks ago