1) In med school, some professors like to give the same test twice. You're probably thinking, oh that's nice, that gives you a chance to redeem yourself. But here's the deal: they don't tell you this key fact in advance, so you prepare for the new material thinking the stuff on the previous test that you failed won't be on this test, but then SURPRISE, half the questions on the test have nothing to do with the new material. After the test was over, one classmate put it perfectly, "I didn't know I'd have to fail the same test twice."
2) How one man (Dr. Turco) could be so completely obsessed with diabetes and insulin. I swear a third of the cases presented on the exam had patients suffering from diabetes. We get it. Move on. Let them have PKU, hyperlipidemia, Ornithine Transcarbamoylase Deficiency, hemochromatosis, or gout. For the love of Pete.
3) How many more blows to the ego I can take. It's seriously starting to hurt.
Rough week.
And yes, I still believe I will be a good doctor, even if I'm not good at biochemistry.
But hey a good 2/3 of the patients I see are diabetic, so it will come in handy!!
if you promise to go into pediatric endocrinology, i won't tell reagan that you're complaining about diabetes-related questions ...
i guess we were wrong about the professor being italian. as an obvious proponent of deja vu, he most definitely must be french! those crazy frenchies!
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