Friday, January 30, 2009

I want to do this

This is INSANE!  I didn't even know this existed....


Richard said...

your video is down, but the flying squirrel suits do seem like they would be fun

EJ Chang said...

The video isn't working? It always work when I click on it! Anyone else having problems seeing it?

Rachel said...

It worked for me - crazy stuff!

Richard said...

The first time i went to it it said video no longer available, but it did work this time

Spencer Selvidge said...

Totally wicked stuff. First time I saw that a few months back I was breathless!

Alex said...

That's amazing!

Andrew said...

Crush: Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..."
Marlin: What are you talking about?
Crush: You, Mini-Man, takin' on the jellies. You've got serious thrill issues, dude. Awesome.

mike wilkins said...

you are nuts

andrew said...

maaaan i want to do this sooo bad...but there isnt much room for error especially on the first try...