Monday, January 5, 2009

Need a way to vent?

Just log onto Facebook and leave a mean or sarcastic status.  It's what everyone is doing these days.  I fear that the shrinks will be left out in the cold soon, with everyone turning to F-book as their means of coping with stress, depression, or heart ache.

Tonight's loss to our bitter rival Louisville caused for much amusement in my daily (ok fine, hourly) Facebook status reading.  I even added to the status drama myself, leaving what I thought to be a witty enough remark.  It's amazing how much effort is put into a status, knowing that everyone and their mom will read it and critique it.

Here are some of the best remarks from the tragic loss:

"Sosa is garbage, he misses that shot 9 times out of 10."

"I am sick to my stomach.  Louisville makes me sick."

"I should have gone to church.  I think God smited UK as a result."

"I wish UK would not average 4978974829174291 turnovers a game."

"F that S.  Sosa can go to H."  (actual curse words were used)

"Did that really just happen?"

"Does this mean WKU is the best team in the state?"

"BCG - meet my buddy karma." - a friend from A&M

"I want to Puke."  -by loyal "EJ Explains" reader Justin West

"I am going to be in a bad mood for a long time.  Thanks a lot, Edgar."

My status: "Elisabeth is congratulating UofL for beating an unranked team at home by a last second shot."

So for all my non-Facebook friends (I am preaching at you Matthew, Sarah, and Kent), you can add your two cents on the game to the comments section of this here blog.  Let's all throw one big pity party together.  All are welcome.

On a side note, the countdown for Spring Break: Walt Disney World has officially begun.  53 days.  


Unknown said...

The painfully inequitable atrocity that our beloved Cats suffered at the hands of the Cards suffused my bosom with unrequited frustration. Though reluctant to utilize Facebook as a conduit for expressing these emotions, your blog provides an ideal forum for capitalizing upon your suggestion of Internet stress and anger management. I look forward to commiserating with other Wildcat fans.

Anonymous said...

The previous comment just confuses me.

Anonymous said...

Sports are stupid

Lyndsey said...

Haha that's great... I loved reading the status too. that game was quite a dagger to the heart.

J Dub said...

How else can you instantly put your emotions on display to hundreds of your closest friends?

Those were some funny statuses (stati?).

Sarah Foster said...

"Moments like that are what make sports the tribulant experience they are. Sad for the UK b-ball team and coaches. But guess what? Another practice, another game, etc. The show must go on! Which, may I add, is another beauty mark of sports." (If I had facebook, that is what my comment would have been. And the one who was cursing at Sosa or whoever is why I got off facebook in the first place. What kind of a "fan" (or person) are you when you boo, curse and degrade "your team?" Sick. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

God is smiting Billy G for leaving A&M.

Daniel W said...

Tubby wubby was a bear tubby wubby had no hair. tubby wubby is missed in Kentubby.

Anonymous said...

Daniel - that was CORNY!!!

Andrew said...

I think Ed wins.

Matthew said...

I'm glad to know that I am still considered a friend even though I do not have a facebook page. I'm also glad to know that Sarah doesn't either!

I was suprising not totally devistated by the loss. Don't get me wrong, I hate to lose, but we were a large underdog and we played with unbelievable heart and we had the best two players on the floor -- that night L'ville had the better team.

Since we are 3 days removed from the game it is hard for me provide a "status" by mine probably would sound suprisingly like the first one you mention.

Also, Tubby can stay in Minn. I don't want to see him back as our coach.